What CSS means?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS separates the structure of a document from its presentation, allowing web developers to create consistent and visually appealing layouts across different devices and screen sizes. It enables the styling of elements, such as fonts, colors, spacing, and positioning, to achieve a desired look and feel for a website or web application. The "cascading" part in CSS refers to the order of priority in which styles are applied and how they can inherit from parent elements, providing a flexible and efficient way to manage styles. Here are some basic examples of how CSS can be used: Changing Text Color: css Copy code body { color: #333; /* sets the text color to dark gray */ } Setting Font Size: css Copy code h1 { font-size: 24px; /* sets the font size of h1 elements to 24 pixels */ } Styling Background: css Copy code .container { background-color: #f0f0f0; /* sets the background color of elements with class 'container' */ } Adding Padding: css Copy code .box { padding: 10px; /* adds 10 pixels of padding to all sides of elements with class 'box' */ } Setting Margin: css Copy code .section { margin-bottom: 20px; /* adds 20 pixels of margin at the bottom of elements with class 'section' */ } Styling Links: css Copy code a { text-decoration: none; /* removes underlines from all links */ color: #0077cc; /* sets the color of links to a shade of blue */ } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; /* underlines links when hovered */ } Creating a Simple Layout: css Copy code .container { width: 80%; /* sets the width of the container to 80% of its parent element */ margin: 0 auto; /* centers the container horizontally */ } .sidebar { float: left; /* makes the sidebar float to the left of the content */ width: 30%; /* sets the width of the sidebar to 30% of its parent element */ } .main-content { float: right; /* makes the main content float to the right of the sidebar */ width: 65%; /* sets the width of the main content to 65% of its parent element */ } These are just simple examples, and CSS can be used for much more complex styling and layout tasks. The examples above illustrate some common properties and their usage.

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